What’s in an aura? Why the energy around you matters

The concept of auras has become quite mainstream over the years, though many still consider this area relegated to the skills of a few psychics and the impressive display of auric photography. What is an aura, really? And how might you access your perceptive skills to better know yourself and others? What is an aura?…

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Imagination or Intuition? How to trust the difference.

In our April blog post, with the help of published writer and veteran faculty member Lisa Voisin, we explored the relationship between imagination, creativity and meditation.  Imagination keeps our ideas flowing and mind open, but sometimes it can make us question what is real or not. This can be tricky if you’re on the path…

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But I WANT to meditate. Why is it so hard?

Breathe in…Breath out…focus on your breath…(SHOPPING LIST…carrots, bread)…ahem! Breathe in…Breathe out…Connect to the light…(THAT WORK EMAIL I DIDN’T ANSWER! Shoot, should I do it now? Maybe I’ll do it now and then get back to meditating)…Ok. What was I doing again?! Oh yeah…Breathe in…Breathe out… Does this inner dialogue sound familiar? If so, you are…

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A meditation for reaping your inner harvest

Fall is here. It is a season of the harvest, where folks celebrate through giving thanks, eating turkey and taking the last of the warmth before the snow falls. I’ve always loved the roots of thanksgiving and how it connects us to the earth. The reality of the harvest is something that humanity has lived…

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When it’s time for Dream Interpretation

Reposted from Training in Power Reviews Blog, June 2022. Dreams have been a source of curiosity since humans were able to conceptualize the experience of having them. Some scientists claim there to be no real significance behind our dreams. Meanwhile, revered teachers like Faye Fitzgerald, who founded spiritual academies like Training In Power, are on a…

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Clearing the way: Dreams to Reality Workshop

TIPA Blogger Elinor puts herself in the hot seat to experience a live energy read from Laura Stanley and Jean Bruce, Training in Power Academy faculty members and creators of the free Meetup event: Dreams to Reality, a workshop to help you clear the blocks between you and your desired manifestations. The Dreams to Reality…

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Are you a Spiritual Seeker? Three ways to find out

I showed signs of being a seeker from a young age. I remember the stunned looks on my parent’s faces when I’d ask complex questions about the nature of life and speaking to spirit freely without ever expecting an answer. But it was a traumatic event in my teens that set my course irrevocably. When…

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Sacred Spaces: the Power of Interior Design

Like it or not, it’s been a year of spending a lot of time at home. While we all have the practical need of shelter, how else does our personal space effect us? What does our home-space say about our inner space? This month, we are publishing an interview with interior designer Jennifer Scott Reid…

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3 big ways to bring a little kindness into your day

“Be kind whenever possible. It is always possible” Dalai Lama 2020 has been a year of many of challenges. We have all had to dig deeper to bring more light into the day and if we can, help someone else do the same. My secret weapon has become something that is defined by simple acts…

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